Crittenden County Clerk
Crittenden County Office Complex, 200 Industrial Dr., Ste. B, Marion, Ky.
New precincts for 2024
New precinct lines and names adopted last year by Crittenden Fiscal Court have reduced the number of voting precincts from 12 down to 10 and created four city-only voting divisions. There remain six magisterial districts, but many boundary lines have changed to accomodate statutory requirements for district population equity and simplify voting in the county.
Following county government’s adoption of new precincts, Crittenden County Board of Education voted to use the same precinct boundaries to comprise its five educational districts.
New maps available for both magisterial and education divisions can be viewed below or downloaded as PDFs above.
The responsibilities of a Kentucky county clerk are numerous and varied, falling into the general categories of clerical duties of the fiscal court; issuing and registering, recording and keeping records of various legal instruments; voter registration and elections; tax duties; motor vehicle registrations, transfers and titling; and the issuance of marriage.
Weekdays 8:00 to 4:30
*Click for holiday calendar
Weekdays 8:00 to 4:00
Must start 30 minutes
prior to close of business

Daryl K. Tabor
Crittenden County Clerk
Donna Shewcraft • Cindy Teer • Kenzie Croft • Terri Fulks • Misti Autry • Jacob Hackney