Crittenden County Clerk
Crittenden County Office Complex, 200 Industrial Dr., Ste. B, Marion, Ky.

Office open noon to 6 p.m. May 16
Crittenden County Clerk’s Office will be open from noon to 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 16 to process normal vehicle transactions. Due to it being primary election day, the hours are being adjusted to accommodate the need to get polls open and underway in the mornings, but...

200-plus purged from county’s voter roll
Almost 260 inactive voters were purged from Crittenden County's voter roll today, lowering the number of registered voters to about 6,400. The purge of 259 local voters was part of a statewide action to clean up voter rolls in the state, removing 127,000 ineligible...

Clerk approved for abbreviated audit
Crittenden County Clerk’s Office has been approved for an abbreviated audit of its 2022 fee account based on good...

Delinquent tax sale Aug. 11
A half-dozen third-party purchasers have registered for next week's sale of delinquent tax certificates. If your 2021 Crittenden County property taxes remain unpaid, you run the risk of your tax debt being paid by one of these companies or individuals who can place a...

Election consolidation plan OK’d
Crittenden County’s election plan for the May 17, 2022, primary that cuts down the number of polling locations from 12 to five was approved yesterday by they State Board of Elections. This summer, Crittenden County Board of Elections submitted a consolidation plan...

County clerks aiding state’s veterans
Through the sale of license plate birdhouses and other efforts, Kentucky county clerks in 2021 donated another $44,000 to Kentucky’s four Veterans Centers. The announcement was made earlier this week at the Kentucky County Clerks Association (KCCA) fall conference in...

‘Rumor Control’ page dispels election myths
Kentucky’s elections have been and continue to be safe. Despite claims by divisive groups in the state, there is no problem with the commonwealth’s election integrity. In fact, the state’s election laws and regulations are among the best in the nation, and a new...

County’s new election equipment arrives
Crittenden County’s new election equipment has arrived. Harp Enterprises, the Lexington firm contracted with the county to provide election services, delivered 12 ballot scanners and eight ballot-marking devices Thursday. The cost for the machines, as well as a...

County tax bills will show new 911 fee
Some Crittenden County property owners who have not gotten a property tax bill in several years may have a surprise when they go to their mailbox in the coming days. A 911 service fee levied on residential and commercial dwellings to fund emergency dispatch in...
The responsibilities of a Kentucky county clerk are numerous and varied, falling into the general categories of clerical duties of the fiscal court; issuing and registering, recording and keeping records of various legal instruments; voter registration and elections; tax duties; motor vehicle registrations, transfers and titling; and the issuance of marriage.
Weekdays 8:00 to 4:30
*Click for holiday calendar
Weekdays 8:00 to 4:00
Must start 30 minutes
prior to close of business

Daryl K. Tabor
Crittenden County Clerk
Donna Shewcraft • Cindy Teer • Kenzie Croft • Terri Fulks • Misti Autry • Jacob Hackney