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Crittenden County Clerk

Crittenden County Office Complex, 200 Industrial Dr., Ste. B, Marion, Ky.

Today is Saturday, Mar 29, 2025.

Open Public Records Policy

mostmost Administrative regulations governing inspection
of public records of the Office of Crittenden County Clerk

Pursuant to KRS 61.870 to 61.884, the public is notified that, as provided herein, the public records of the Office of Crittenden County Clerk are open for inspection by any person upon written application to County Clerk Daryl K. Tabor, official custodian of the public records of the aforementioned office or to a designated deputy clerk in the county clerk’s absence. Application can be made during regular business hours of the county clerk’s office – 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays, except holidays.

Application forms for the inspection of the public records of this agency will be furnished upon request to any person by an employee in this office or may be obtained from the Kentucky Attorney General’s website at Assistance in completing the application form will be provided upon request.

All requests should be made in writing and at minimum include:

    1. The signature of the applicant.
    2. The legible, printed name of the applicant.
    3. A mailing or email address of the applicant, if copies are requested.
    4. Whether the records will be used for commercial purposes.
    5. A clear description of the records requested.
    6. A statement that the person making the request is a resident of the Commonwealth of Kentucky as described in KRS 61.876(10).

Written requests may be delivered in person to the county clerk’s courthouse office or mailed to 107. S. Main St., Ste. 203, Marion, KY 42064; email requests for records should be sent to and shall include all the necessary information cited previously.

By statute, we reserve the right to ask if the records in question will be used for commercial purposes or refuse requests from non-residents of Kentucky.

Applicants for the inspection of public records shall be advised of the availability of the records requested for inspection and shall be notified in writing not later than five working days after receipt of a completed application for inspection of any reason the records requested are not available for public inspection.

Records may be examined in the office at no charge. Copies of written material in the public records of this agency shall be furnished to any person requesting them upon payment of a fee of 50 cents per page. Copies of nonwritten records (photographs, maps, material stored in computer files or libraries, etc.) shall be furnished upon request, upon payment of a charge equal to the actual cost of producing copies of such records by the most economic process not likely to damage or alter the record. Any postage required for mailing records will be the responsibility of the applicant. Fees may be incurred for most digital delivery of records. All associated fees must be paid prior to receipt of the requested information.

For further information, you may call 270-965-3403.

Daryl K. Tabor
Crittenden County Clerk


The responsibilities of a Kentucky county clerk are numerous and varied, falling into the general categories of clerical duties of the fiscal court; issuing and registering, recording and keeping records of various legal instruments; voter registration and elections; tax duties; motor vehicle registrations, transfers and titling; and the issuance of marriage.


Weekdays 8:00 to 4:30
*Click for holiday calendar


Weekdays 8:00 to 4:00


Must start 30 minutes
prior to close of business

Daryl K. Tabor

Crittenden County Clerk



Donna Shewcraft • Cindy Teer • Kenzie Croft • Terri Fulks • Misti Autry • Jacob Hackney